-Somashish Saha


Whenever we hear these words from someone, we generally feel a bit more optimistic, happy and hopeful. Life is all about hope. It's new year time again, and Christmas is already over. So, it's the festive time of the year. I would really be surprised, if you do not have a picnic planned yet, or have not attended one.

But, you might also be at your home, under the blanket, scrolling through the Instagram feed, and looking at the happy faces of the people you know. And that is absolutely okay. Not always do we go out. Not always do we celebrate the days the way we thought we would. But you know, that's okay, too. Whatever be the reason, we shouldn’t let ourselves feel low. It is okay to stick to your old plans, to eat the food that you maybe don’t like so much. Also, it is okay if you have no plans for the upcoming days(though I would suggest you make one definitely).

But, something that might not be okay, is you being at the same place. Life is all about what you make of it. It's all about doing something that you have never done before. That's what makes us feel alive more than ever. Change is a necessity, but yes, it comes at a cost. We all want to travel to our favorite destinations, eat our favorite food, and stay wherever we want to. That's still a dream for many people. And all dreams are achievable. All it takes is to think big, and a leap of faith sometimes.

I am obviously not here to pen down a motivational paragraph, and I am also not quite good at it. So, in simple terms, take life at your own pace. Just because your friends are taking a new year resolution , doesn’t mean you have to take one. But, as we are aware, taking good care of your mental and physical health is also a necessity. Do what feels important to you, what matters to you. Don’t be in a rush. And yes, learn to press the ‘pause’ button once a while, to enjoy the beauty.

Do what makes you feel better and remember, there are people who will always be there to support you, no matter what, throughout your journey. And, for the rest, you know the saying, “It's your life, make it large”.

Somashish Saha

B.A Economics

St. Xavier's University


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